Matej Lupták
An ex-CMO of a successful start-up HoppyGo owned by ŠKODA AUTO turned into a founder of a marketing consultancy studio the maykin based in Prague, Czech Republic. Matej also collaborates with his network of experienced marketing professionals.
In the past 8 years, I saw millions of euros go into global campaigns that I planned or managed for a number of clients, helping them achieve their KPIs. I worked at both agencies and on the client side, for both B2B and B2C companies and for both start-ups and large enterprises.
In the beginning, digital marketing was my field. I mastered technical and tactical skills - I managed campaigns on 15+ ad networks, learned to process and visualize marketing data in Power BI, employed a variety of tools from Mailchimp to Mixpanel, and found a passion for copywriting.
In recent years, I started to focus on the “big picture” - marketing theory and strategy. Inspired by a large body of research of ranks such as Sharp, Binet, and Field, I started to implement this knowledge into my work and saw remarkable YoY results.
Now, my mission is to bring the knowledge from decades-long marketing research into the modern marketing environment and help ambitious companies to grow in the long run.
Over the course of my career, I worked for brands such as Orange, Deutsche Bank, MALL Group, Rosetta Stone, Pipedrive, Lagardere Group, Merck, S-Bahn Berlin, Vonmählen, and others.
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